OUr Mission
We aim to make coastal climate change research more accessible by establishing a sensor share program, broadening access to the tools required to measure coastal systems. Our goal is to empower others to collect data to increase our collective understanding of coastal carbon sequestration & how our estuaries are helping to combat global climate change.
COastal ocean sensor share - Out and ABout!

Sharing ideas and preliminary data
Wally joined the Maine Blue Carbon State of the Science Symposium to talk about sensor development, sharing, and gaps in salt marsh carbon dioxide and methane fluxes.
Thank you to Bev Johnson (Bates) for the invitation.
Wally joined the Maine Blue Carbon State of the Science Symposium to talk about sensor development, sharing, and gaps in salt marsh carbon dioxide and methane fluxes.
Thank you to Bev Johnson (Bates) for the invitation.
WBGH interview - available online now
Wally joined Science for the Public: Contemporary Science Issues and Innovations to talk about the wonders of wetlands and the various ecosystem services salt marshes provide. Specifically, she talked about how especially important salt marshes are to the long-term sustainability of coastal systems. She also discussed the sensor packages we are building to help increase access to technology and build datasets needed for forecasting models and management. Many thanks to Yvonne Stapp for the invitation and for being a great interviewer! |

Earth Day 2022: Invest in Our Planet
Earth and environmental health researchers share key insights for protecting the planet and ways to invest in a sustainable future.
BU Experts, Medium & Twitter

Empowering Citizen Scientists to Study and Protect Coastal Wetlands
BU scientists develop portable sensors to measure carbon levels in coastal environments that are critical to fighting climate change.
The Brink, Pioneering Research from Boston University

Radically Expand Coastal Ocean Research through Sensors
We propose a bold vision for conducting ocean science. The coastal ocean is essential to the well-being and long-term sustainability of humanity, yet our scientific knowledge on coastal ecosystems falls short.
Starting with blue carbon, we are developing and sharing the tools needed to understand how your ecosystem helps fight global climate change!
Funding for this initiative is provided by
The National Science Foundation's Coastlines and People (CoPe) program granted to Boston University & Harvard University
This program has also been identified by the National Academy of Sciences as an "Ocean-Shot," or transformational, ambitious, and multidisciplinary project which advances ocean science for sustainable development.
The project summary is available here.
Find out more:
U.S. National Committee for the Ocean Decade
The project summary is available here.
Find out more:
U.S. National Committee for the Ocean Decade