What is Blue Carbon?
Many marine ecosystems can remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it - this carbon is known as Blue Carbon.
Certain coastal ecosystems sequester and store more carbon than any terrestrial ecosystem!
Certain coastal ecosystems sequester and store more carbon than any terrestrial ecosystem!
Learn more about Blue Carbon ecosystems
Greenhouse GasesGreenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap and store heat leading to climate change - coastal ecosystems can help absorb them. . |
Ecosystem ServicesHumans gain many benefits from naturally occurring processes, we call these benefits Ecosystem Services. |
EstuariesMost blue carbon ecosystems are components of estuaries, which are on the forefront of the fight against climate change. |
Other Blue Carbon Projects!
An international initiative focused on mitigating climate change through conservation and restoration of coastal & marine ecosystems
Blue Carbon Projects use the climate change mitigation value of marine & coastal ecosystems to support their conservation, sustainable use, and restoration.
Advancing science and understanding on carbon sequestration, storage, and loss in wetland habitats.
Mapping blue carbon wealth around the world. Seeking accurate representation of the unequal distribution of both climate change impacts and carbon sequestration globally in order to ensure equitable participation in the global carbon economy.
A global network of regenerative ocean farms who create jobs and protect the planet.
Holistic approach to restoring the world's mangrove forests.